El Festival Edición Madrid (FEM), exposa Vertical Times, una obra de Mireia Feliu Fabra en la qual pot apreciar-se l'esforç en la construcció d'un castell. Com s'informa a terra:
En estos dos días, los que se acerquen a FEM se encontrarán con piezas como el vídeo de Mireia Feliu sobre la vivencia simultánea de tiempo interno y externo, materializada en una torre de 'castellers' que desprende la algarabía del entorno o el jadeo de los castellers, según la distancia que ponga el espectador entre él y la pieza;
Es poden trobar més detalls d'aquesta obra a
vlepogallery. Per exemple:
Vertical Times is a video/sound installation that explores the simultaneity of internal and external times. The images are based on the Human Towers, a cultural activity typical of Catalonia (Spain). They follow the same structure of the towers: monitors on the bottom show the bottom part of the Human Towers (close image of hands and feeds), the central monitor show people placed on “the trunk” of the “castle”, and the top ones the children on the top of the human structure.
A sonic sensor measures the distance between the spectator and the column of monitors. If the spectator is placed 3 feet or less from the monitors, internal sounds of people making the Human Tower are heard (breathing, swallowing, counting…). As the spectator moves farther away, more external sounds are heard (leader and public screams, music, street atmosphere…).
The word “Vertical” (from the title) refers not only to the Human Tower shape, but also to the synchronic view of several time experiences happening at the same moment, from the bottom to the top and through all layers of the tower. Moreover, edited images play with different time speeds, as well as with repetition: metaphor of a constant creation/vanishing process.
No puc anar a Madrid aquests dies però m'agradaria molt sentir i viure en directe aquesta suma de video/audio i ambient de plaça. Vejam si tinc sort i d'aquí a poc s'exposa més a prop (posem Tarragona?).