16 d’abril, 2007

Reaccions al documental Castells, a Durham

Ja poden tobar-se a la xarxa algunes reaccions a la projecció del documental Castells, de Gereon Wetzel al Full Frame Documentary Film Festival de Durham.

"Catalonians who spend an inordinate amount of time climbing onto one another's shoulders to build fifty-foot high human towers that quite often collapse"
Font: A Dark Planet

"The opening night film, Castells, was somewhat disappointing. Indeed, it was an interesting story about a Spanish team of human pyramid builders; they carefully craft building towers of themselves. But the approximately 2-hour film could have been, my wife and I both think, much more effective at keeping the viewer's interest if it were much shorter."
Dilip's cultural Event

"Tonight Sasha and I saw an absolutely delightful movie, Castells. It’s a documentary about people in Catalonia, Spain who create large human towers.
The movie has breathtaking visuals, but it offers much more than spectacular images of this intriguing sport. The movie shows the social life of the villagers and the preparations by the colle, the participants in these Towers, workings towards big festivals and holidays (see the movie trailer).
These human towers are truly fascinating and I had never heard of them before. A Tower can be up to 9 stories high, and the upper layers are formed by small children. In the movie there is one little girl , Zoraida, who is scared and only climbs to the 8th layer in a training. These little kids are completely incorporated in this sport and are expected to perform with the adults— Zoraida is perhaps 4 years old.
Every now and then the tower would collapse and everybody will fall on top of each other. True harm seems to be rare, although the children sometimes get bruised and cry. The movie is touching, funny at times and an absolutely recommended film to see.
Castells is the opening night movie of the Full Frame festival here in Durham, which is the largest documentary film festival in the U.S. I’ll be watching a lot of documentaries this weekend, and even if they’re only half as good as Castells then this will be a great weekend."
Font: http://www.guusbosman.nl/

El tràiler de la pel·lícula al qual fa referència aquest darrer comentari he estat incapaç de reproduir-lo. El trobareu a http://medien.zeit.de/medialinks/zuender-steps-castells.mov si algú en sap una miqueta més que jo i és capaç de veure'l, podria penjar-lo a YouTube i fer-m'ho saber? L'afegiríem al blog.

Més opinions recollides el 18/04/2007
"Gereon Wetzel's opening night film "Castells" is an intimately shot portrait of the Catalonian town Colla Jovas human pyramid building team as they compete against neighboring towns. The film's competition sequences were surreal, visceral, Busby Berkeley-esque and left the audience audibly cheering or gasping at the intricate human pyramids built and the painful looking human avalanches created by their collapse. Warmly received by the audience, Wetzel's film could have benefited with a little more context for the audience."
Font: indieWIRE

Més opinions recollides el 19/04/2007
" The festival officially kicked off with a screening of Castells, a film by German director Gereon Wetzel that followed a human pyramid team in Catalonia, Spain. The film had viewers on the edge of their seats with its depiction of towers rising dozens of feet in the air, composed solely of human beings."
Font: technicianonline.com