Més sobre el documental Castells
Cercant informació (alguna crònica o crítica) a la xarxa sobre el documental "Castells" de Gereon Wetzel que es va projectar ahir al Full Frame Documentary Film Festival de Durham, he anat trobant cosetes que m'han semblat interessants (tot i que totes són en anglès) sobre aquest documental. Us ho copioienganxo:
"Closeups of people holding onto each other and climbing up and down what turns out to be a human tower open this documentary about Colla Joves, a 400-person human pyramid-building team in the small town of Valls in Catalonia.
There are also a lot of shots of people looking up as towers rise to six levels. The most amazing and creative footage takes an eagle-eye view of the tower building that looks like a giant, pulsing, single organism as the majority of people press together in one massive base in order to support the human "steeples" that continue to rise one atop the other. When this activity takes place in the street, the tower rises above second-story balconies of buildings.
It's a story of what people can do when working together. Tower-building also suggests such other life lessons, expressed by team members, who say, "One step at a time" and "Stay cool!" and "Collapses are part of the game."
After a tower she helps build collapses, little Zoraida is scared and refuses to climb. (Later in the film, a shot of three ambulances at the 20th Tower Tournament suggests that tower building can, in fact, be dangerous.)
Still, various people in the village make suggestions as to how to convince Zoraida to climb, including one woman, who says, "Tell her she's ugly." Before one climb, Zoraida's father tells her he'll be angry if she doesn't make it to the top.
So, little Zoraida provides a human interest factor as well as a thread of dramatic tension as you wonder if she will overcome her fear enough to embrace this community-valued activity. The team's also preparing to make history by successfully completing a tower that's never been built before. Will the team triumph? "
Font: Heraldsun.com
"Germany — 2006, 88 min.
Directed by Gereon Wetzel. Produced by Philipp Wundt. Production Manager Anna Ginestí Rosell.
In the narrowest of streets, amongst the largest of crowds, a 30-foot human spire ascends above balconies. Swarms of spectators surround the tower’s foundation, and a surreal silence falls over the scene as the last tip of the pyramid, a five-year-old child, makes her way to the top. Spend one season with the Colla Joves, a 400-person human pyramid building team from the small town of Valls in Catalonia. As they travel to compete with neighboring villages—including their greatest rival, the Colla Vella—the film gracefully and exuberantly illustrates the many ways a community can hold together. With a whimsical score and jaw-dropping cinematography, this rich story unfolds through a collection of moments and details. A passionate and celebratory journey, Castells reveals one community’s unbounded desire for unity."
"Selected for the Opening Night Film is the North American Premiere of Gereon Wetzel's Castells, documenting one season with the Colla Joves, a 400-person human pyramid building team from the small town of Valls in Catalonia. The film gracefully and exuberantly illustrates the many ways a community can hold together. "
Font: 2007 full frame
I segueixo buscant... Suposo que aquest vespre ja hi haurà alguna opinió d'algun crític penjada en algun diari...
En resposta al comentari que han deixat en aquesta entrada, he de reconèixer la meva confusió de dates. Em sembla que darrerament dec estar una mica despistat i no sé ben bé a quin dia visc. En definitiva, si, com és evident, la pel·lícula es va projectar dijous al vespre a Durham, com esperava trobar-ne algun comentari dijous a la tarda des de Catalunya?
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La projecció de la pel.lícula és avui dijous, i com que van unes quantes hores endarrerits suposo que encara no ha començat.
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