20 d’octubre, 2006

Els Castells reclam turístic a Viator.com

A http://www.viator.com he trobat que preparen excursions a Girona per Sant Narcís per veure els castells per 75,28 € per barba (després et porten a Besalú).

The festival of Sant Narcis in Girona is a captivating annual event, fittingly glamorous for the regional capital city that Girona is. The medieval walkways along the riverside are decorated in style, while street markets and fairs create a lively and celebratory atmosphere.
At midday the hugely popular Castle team from Terrassa competes against the Towers from Barcelona in an adrenaline provoking competition to see who can go highest in the most spectacular fashion. The Human Castle tradition originates from a 17th century dance, known as the Valencian Dance, during which the dancers formed a small tower of people. It is believed, however, that this dance does not come from the region of Valencia, but from the Latin word Valentium which means strength. It has since evolved into the national Catalan tradition that it is today.
In the afternoon your trip will travel north to the Romanic and romantic town of Besalu.

O sigui que si algú hi vol anar acompanyat ja sap on ha d'apuntar-se. I si els que hi aneu veieu una corrua de gent empaitant una pancarta de "Viator. Human Castles" amb cara de despistats i de pensar que tots plegats estem una mica sonats, ja sabeu d'on han sortit ...

Francament, si els castells són reclam turístic i la gent paga 75 € per anar-los a veure, qui s'apunta a muntar una empreseta que col·loqui guiris a les nostres pinyes per, posem..., 30€ el castell?