30 d’octubre, 2006

Doncs ella s'ho perd

Al bloc ENC1101-062 hi he trobat aquest post en el qual l'autora afirma:

"I read about the Spanish festival where they build human castles. Apparently, teams of people squish together like human bricks, then climb on top of each other to form a pyramid. A small child then crowns the top, and they climb down. The author seemed to take all this in stride, even participating in the activities himself. He portrayed the people as easygoing, talented, and rowdy. He does not compare to the US, but I don't think he was from there anyway. After reading this article, I don't think I'd want to visit Barcelona."

Doncs que no hi vingui: Si troba que som massa rudes o massa primitius que es quedi tranquil·leta amb els seus desodorants marca Axe.

P.S. Em sap greu perquè es diu Dana com la meva filla, però ja s'ho farà!