06 de febrer, 2007

40 persones per metre quadrat? Ni els castellers!

Al blog South of watford, que parla sobre la vida política, cultural a Espanya, hi he trobat aquesta entrada en la qual es fa una interessant reflexió sobre els sistemes de comptatge de les manifestacions promogudes pel PP a Madrid, sobretot de les darreres contra el diàleg per a aconseguir la pau a Euskal Herria (pel meu gust comentaria les manifestacions, però m'escaparia de la temàtica del blog. Només un resum: Parlant la gent s'entén i em sembla que ja està tot dit).
Diu el blocaire, amb encert:
"There has been a predictable war of numbers following the demonstration. The Comunidad de Madrid, the regional government controlled by the PP, has claimed that 1.5 million people attended. The Delegación del Gobierno (which answers to the central government) has provided an estimate of 181000 attending. In El Manifestómetro there is a detailed report and they estimate the attendance at an even lower figure then the Delegación. The enormous difference between these estimates is not actually very difficult to explain, the Comunidad always refuses to disclose its methods for counting participants, but invariably applies a multiplier of 9-10 to all demonstrations sympathetic to the PP’s positions. There is another, perhaps slightly less significant, factor for the inaccuracy of the PP’s estimate; they have almost certainly counted me several times as I made my way around different sections of the demonstration.
Now it is a popular sport in parts of Cataluña to form human towers, the people who do it are known as castellers. Don’t ask me why it happens, it’s just something they like to do. However, even they would probably have difficulty in achieving the density of almost 40 persons per square metre which would have been needed for the Comunidad’s attendance estimate to hold up. Additionally, and I’m putting this as delicately as possible, many of the PP supporters come from the more affluent strata of Spanish society, and do not possess physiques which make the scaling of human towers a realistic possibility. So something has to give here, and I’m afraid it has to be the Comunidad’s estimate; most realistic estimates do not count more than 3-4 people per square metre."
No sé si algú ho ha calculat mai. Quina densitat de castellers per metre quadrat hi deu haver en, posem, un tres de deu? A la pinya, posem-n'hi 15 ó 20 per metre quadrat? Al folre 10 o 15? A les manilles 5 o 6? I al tronc, comptant el pom de dalt, 2? Em surt, 20 + 15 + 6 + 2 = 43... Justet justet els quaranta que diu el PP a la manifestació de Madrid el dissabte... Devien ser un munt 3 de 10 amb folre i manilles caminant!